Monday 31 March 2014

Week 5 - Draft Feedback

- Blotching out good... looks like mud and dirt
- do wash on top of elevation and perspective (on photoshop? handpainted?)
- Bring the ground to the edge of the page on sketch
- The sketch needs more geometric lines
- Sketch is a bit busy, make change opacity?
- Perspective: maybe have from the inside looking out or do a bubble thing to show what's happening inside

Week 4 - Draft Finals

(still not finished)

Perspective Elevation

Perspective Section
draft elevation

draft perspective

draft plan

draft section
draft sketch

Week 4 - Experimenting in Cry Engine/Sketch Up

Exploring a random structure in cry engine

Exploring a random structure in cry engine

Exploring a random structure in cry engine

Exploring a random structure in cry engine

Exploring a random structure in cry engine

After making my shed on Sketch up, I entered it into Cry Engine so I could interactively explore it. However, I had difficulties with importing the entire shed despite the fact I had exported it in sketch up as a whole component. You will notice that as I moved around my shed in Cry Engine that only some faces pop up

Week 3 - Plans / Sections / Drawings

Using a combination of photoshop, drawing, sketchup, experiments

Plans using photoshop and sketching with pen and vivid
Plan using photoshop and sketching with pen and vivid
Section using photoshop and sketching with pen and vivid
Section using photoshop and sketching with vivid and pen

Experimenting with different walls for the section
Experimenting with different flooring and walls for the plan

Week 3 - Boat Shed Graphic Drawings on Sketchup

boat shed plan

boat shed section

boat shed area plan

boat shed perspective elevation

boat shed perspective section

boat shed plan with perspective

boat shed perspective

Week 2 - Drawing exercises